Workshop for human healing

My name is Galina Seregina. My job is hands healing of human, treatment of body, mind, relationship and events in life.

All of this things I do through the body, subtle body and energy. The quality of our energy changes our mind. And our mind creates events in our reality.

Galina MasterIn my therapy I use knowledge of osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, Thai and Chinese therapy, onto psychology, Taoist and shamanic technology, Shaolin Temple methods.

My method can help in case of:

  1. Different pains:
    • back and neck pain;
    • headache;
    • joint (knee, shoulder, heap) pain, all kind of diseases;
    • trauma old or fresh.
  2. Different diseases:
    • internal organ diseases: stomach, liver, duodenum, pancreas, lungs, trachea, kidneys, reproductive system etc. problems;
    • hormone problems: thyroid gland regulation, ovary, adrenals;
    • women period pain and neurosis;
    • vomiting in transport, car, plane for all ages.
  3. Infants & moms problems:
    • infant problems: after birthing rehabilitation, sleeping problems, scull problems, nervous, too much crying, regurgitation after meal, bellyache, constipation;
    • mother’s psychology and body rehabilitation after giving birth;
    • children slow development: bad memory, slowly learning;
    • morning sickness in pregnancy.
  4. Psychological problems:
    • difficulties in family, couple, business relationship;
    • bad thoughts, bad mood, depression;
    • life problems: can’t do something e.g. sell the house, find the job, get married etc.;
    • different kind of phobias.

I have wide experience of more than 10 years practicing and studying all over the world. And I have created my own system which I teach my students. Best of them are working in my workshop.

I combine medicine knowledge (I have medicine education) with Asian traditional therapy, knowledge about body, psychology, energy and the quantum physics.

I work with clients of all ages. Infants should be treated with moms together.

My certificates



Skype gal4onokk11